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in Spectroscopy by (120 points)


psyduck plush

Psyduck T-Shirts

Psyduck Hoodies

Psyduck Sweatshirt

Psyduck Long Sleeve T-shirt

Psyduck Kid T-shirt

Psyduck Kid Hoodie

Psyduck Kid Sweatshirt

Psyduck Kid Long Sleeve T-shirt

Psyduck Fisherman Hats

Psyduck Bucket Hat

Psyduck Blankets

Psyduck Hoodie Blanket

Psyduck Bedding Set

Psyduck Aprons

Psyduck Mugs

Psyduck Pillows

Psyduck Posters

Psyduck Square Night Light

Psyduck Plastic Base

Psyduck Tote Bags

Psyduck Backpacks

Psyduck Stickers

Psyduck Keychains

Psyduck Bound Notebooks

Psyduck is one of the most popular Pokemon, and for good reason. Its befuddled demeanor has made it a fixture of the franchise, and now die-hard fans can own their very own.

The massive plush stands at 80 centimeters tall and weighs a hefty 8.8 pounds. But this cuddly creature will cost you a pretty penny — it’s up for pre-order now until July 5. Click through to see if this is the plushie for you!

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